Strengthening Worcestershire Fund

Grant Size:

£2,000 - £5,000 (up to £10,000 for larger organisations)




September 23, 2024

WCF Strengthening Worcestershire Fund logo

Worcestershire Community Foundation is launching a new funding programme to support local communities through small grants, positively impacting all areas of the county.

The aim of the Strengthening Worcestershire Fund is to support disadvantaged local communities continuing to experience the ongoing effects of cost-of-living, by delivering help for a wide range of projects via charities, community groups and social enterprises.

Whilst inviting applications from throughout Worcestershire, we particularly welcome applications for projects where deprivation is greatest.

The fund is offered in partnership with Worcestershire County Council (WCC) which is providing match funding on a 1:1 basis.

Funding priorities

Applications may be made for projects which contribute to one or more of the following priorities:

  • Cost of living / food and fuel poverty
  • Ageing well
  • Reducing social isolation and loneliness
  • Supporting people to stay safe and well in their community
  • Information, advice and guidance
  • Supporting unpaid carers

What we will fund

Cost of living including food and fuel poverty

This priority area is looking to fund projects that support residents struggling with the cost of living. Projects submitted in this priority could include:

  • Community fridges or food banks distributing food
  • Energy advice projects in local communities to help reduce bills and improve home energy efficiency
  • School uniform banks or other similar schemes
  • Supporting costs to set up, run, expand or enhance the above or other similar projects

Ageing well

This priority area is looking to support projects that contribute to improve or maintain health and wellbeing in later life. Projects submitted in this priority could include:

  • Targeted exercise classes for older people in a community venue
  • Good neighbour schemes to provide support for residents that need a little extra help
  • Dementia cafes or similar support activity
  • Community transport schemes
  • Supporting costs to set up, run, expand or enhance the above or other similar projects

Reducing social isolation and loneliness

This priority area is looking to support projects that contribute towards preventing loneliness and social isolation. They are different, but both may be experienced by anyone of any age and any background, with some groups at greater risk than others. Projects submitted in this priority could include:

  • Befriending schemes in a local community
  • Social groups in a local community to enable people to connect with others e.g. Men’s Sheds
  • Transport solutions to enable people to participate in existing social activities which they weren’t previously able to access
  • Supporting costs to set up, run, expand or enhance the above or other similar projects

Supporting people to stay safe and well in their community

This priority area is looking to support projects that contribute towards people feeling safe and healthy for as long as possible in their local community. Projects submitted in this priority could include:

  • Events and roadshows e.g. older people’s showcases that provide information about fraud, home safety, home adaptations and equipment for changing needs
  • Services that support identified local needs e.g. local groups which support people to stay safe and well around issues such as mental or physical health, etc.

Information and advice*

This priority area is looking to support projects that support residents’ health and wellbeing through the provision of information, advice and guidance (IAG). Projects submitted in this priority could include:

  • Supporting costs of delivering IAG sessions in community locations
  • Training staff or volunteers to deliver quality assured advice and guidance, supporting people to identify and make good choices, and help them identify a way forward.
  • Communication and engagement projects to reach new audiences that may benefit from information and advice including translation and other accessibility requirements
  • Supporting costs to set up, run, expand or enhance the above or other similar projects

*For your project you will need to be able to demonstrate relevant training and quality assurance of your services.

Supporting unpaid carers

The priority area is looking to contribute to WCC’s carers’ strategic priorities which supports carers to feel recognised and valued, enables them to have a life of their own, supports them with their physical and mental health and wellbeing and to care safely.

Please note: WCC currently commissions Worcestershire Association of Carers to support all carers within Worcestershire. Projects submitted in this priority could include:

  • Supporting carers to have a break
  • Promoting and supporting the health and wellbeing of carers
  • Ensuring that staff are ‘carer aware’ and can recognise people with a caring role
  • Liaising directly with Worcestershire Association of Carers to ensure carers have sufficient support and advice.

What we won’t fund

  • Projects which are the responsibility of statutory services
  • Activities promoting religious activity (with the exception of inter-faith activity).
  • Activities promoting party-political activity
  • Solely capital application funding bids e.g. to purchase a minibus
  • Individual sponsorship
  • Activities generating private profit
  • Organisations that have been established less than 12 months

Who can apply?

Organisations/groups may apply for projects for the benefit of any age group.

This programme will support organisations and groups based in Worcestershire including charities, community groups and social enterprises.

We would particularly like to encourage applications supporting work taking place in areas of greater deprivation.

How much can you apply for?

Applicants can apply for grants from £2,000 – £5,000.

For a limited number of larger groups with particularly strong/innovative projects with wider impacts there will be the opportunity to apply for up to £10,000.

PLEASE NOTE the following financial requirements which must be factored into your budget for the project you apply for:

  • You must show that 5% of your total project costs come from in kind support, volunteering and/or match funding within your own organisation
  • Overheads/core costs may not form more than 15% of your total project costs
  • Capital equipment may not form more than 25% of your total project costs.

How to apply

Applications open: 9.00 am Monday 2nd September

The deadline for applications is: Midnight Monday 23rd September 2024

All funding must be spent by 31st December 2025.

Please read all the above guidance carefully before making an application.

To preview a copy of our application form click here

Please note this may be subject to change and that the text shown behind in the symbols may not be visible in the preview.

For our Terms and Conditions information please click here

(Please note that 6-monthly monitoring and evaluation and end of grant reports are required for successful applicants).

Please contact Karen McVeigh, Grants and Funding Officer [email protected] if you have any queries regarding eligibility and/or the fund priorities.