£750- £10,000
The Let’s Create Jubilee Fund will support voluntary and community groups to develop creative and cultural activities as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June 2022. The fund has been created by Arts Council England (ACE) with funds from the National Lottery.
The fund is open to voluntary and community organisations with charitable aims and working towards a common goal which does not have to be based solely around arts and culture. This could include youth groups, parent/carer groups and volunteer organisations.
What types of projects will the fund support?
The fund will support new creative and cultural activities developed for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022. Culture and creativity come in all shapes and sizes, so we do not want to be too prescriptive about what form projects could take; it’s more important for you to consider how to deliver creative and cultural activity that your local communities will want to take part in and find a partner who can help you deliver it.
To be eligible projects should engage with at least one of the artforms which ACE supports through its funding. These are:
❖ Music
❖ Theatre
❖ Dance
❖ Visual arts
❖ Literature
❖ Combined arts – including festivals and carnivals
❖ Museum and library activities.
Projects must also be of benefit to people and/or communities in England.
The application portal will open on Tuesday 4th January 2022.
Please refer to your local Community Foundation for details of the closing date in your area. You can find information on all the community foundations here
All applicants will have a funding decision by Friday 1st April 2022.
The project can begin from 1st April so that preparation can take place such as rehearsals etc. Public-facing activity should take place in June near the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Weekend. The project end date can be in August to include any evaluation and final payments.
Who can apply?
The fund is open to voluntary and community organisations* with charitable aims and working towards a common goal which does not have to be based solely around arts and culture.
Eligible applicants will also have:
❖ A business address in England or the wider UK
❖ A UK bank account in the exact name they’re applying in
❖ A project lead who is at least 18 years old
❖ Been established for at least 12 months
This fund will not offer funding to the following organisations:
❖ Non-constituted community or voluntary groups
❖ Statutory organisations
❖ Organisations that have been established less than 12 months
❖ Organisations that do not have a proven track record of service delivery
❖ Limited companies, sole traders or partnerships without charitable aims *By ‘organisation’ we mean:
❖ A group of people working towards a common goal with a governing document that covers the type of project being applied for – for example a charity, a limited company or an unincorporated group.
❖ We can accept applications for funding from organisations working as a consortium, partnership, network or group.
❖ For non-constituted consortiums or groups, one organisation must act as the lead organisation and send us the application. If the application goes on to be successful, this organisation would then be accountable for the grant.
How much can I apply for?
Applicants can apply for grants from £750 to £10,000.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to partner with an artist, creative or cultural organisation that has been in receipt of ACE funding within the last 4 years to help deliver their project. Although this is not essential in general, we would expect the largest awards (i.e. £5k – £10k) to involve this sort of partnership. You can find out more about ACE supported artists or organisations in your local area on our website.
What can the grant be used for?
Eligible costs include:
❖ costs of organising your events and people needed to manage the project
❖ artist fees (both creating and delivering the event); there is guidance available on the fair pay of artists here
❖ volunteer expenses
❖ materials or equipment needed for the event or activity*
❖ food and non-alcoholic drinks
❖ marketing costs and promotion of the event
❖ overheads relating specifically to the project (such as insurance)
❖ costs of making your event accessible to all, such as BSL interpreters, translation services, additional signage
* if costs for equipment make up a significant proportion of the grant, please explain how this equipment will benefit you in the long term
The grant cannot cover:
❖ activities that have already taken place, or to order or purchase goods or services before a decision has been made on the application
❖ activity that does not culminate in June 2022
❖ costs of routine activity that regularly takes place and is not adapted or enhanced to do something special as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
❖ contributions to appeals
❖ activity promoting political or religious beliefs
❖ activity which should be provided by statutory services
❖ the mitigation of losses and/or debt mitigation
What happens if you are successful?
If you receive a grant, you will need to:
❖ accept and run your project in line with the terms and conditions
❖ keep clear records of project management and finances (including all invoices) and make these available to ACE upon request
❖ provide information after your project is completed, if contacted by UK Community Foundation or ACE. This information may include:
o how the money was spent
o activity and beneficiaries
o impact and legacy (e.g., new relationships or projects resulting from the activity) ❖ respond to ACE and UKCF if asked to take part in any marketing activity. This could include: providing some photos and image permission forms, a quote and availability to do media interviews.
❖ complete a simple evaluation form. You may also be invited to attend a 2-hour focus group so ACE can find out more about the impact of the project. This would either be in person or online.
❖ share news of your funding with your community and more widely using the communications pack provided, including contribute to a national platform, profiling activity celebrating the Jubilee (you will need to sign up here):
o https://platinumjubilee.gov.uk/
❖ Include the official hashtags #CreativeJubilee and #LottoGoodCauses in social media posts about your activity
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UKCF’s privacy policy can be found here https://www.ukcommunityfoundations.org/privacy-policy
For info on making an application to this Fund please contact [email protected]
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